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How to Choose the Right B2B SEO Agency?

You should be feeling a bubbling mixture of excitement and anxiety, my friend. And honestly? That’s exactly where you need to be right now! Taking the leap of faith which is choosing an SEO agency to handle your business-to-business (B2B) search campaign isn't something you can decide over your morning coffee. We're talking about a decision that can significantly elevate or cautionary tale easily derail your company's growth trajectory through digital visibility. The overload of information out there seems confounding, I get it — so fasten your seatbelt and prepare for a comprehensive guide on "How to choose the right B2B SEO agency". 

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Choosing the Right B2B SEO Agency in 5 Steps:

Common B2B SEO goals you should consider before your search…

1) Know Your Goals BEFORE Searching

Before you embark on the quest to locate the perfect B2B SEO agency, it's crucial that you clear on your objectives. Without a specific end goal in mind, you can easily end up being swayed by impressive sales pitches and shiny presentations that may not necessarily meet your specific needs.

Common B2B SEO Goals:

  • Lead Generation: Once a visitor lands on your website, ideally they should turn into leads. Higher quantities of qualified leads mean higher chances for conversion – and bottom-line business growth! Success here depends largely on how well optimized your contact forms, CTAs and other prompts are. 

  • Increase Website Traffic: Impressions are nice but where they lead (website traffic), matters even more. After all, what good is it if people see your site in search results but never click? A quality B2B SEO agency must leverage effective strategies that savvy internet users won't resist clicking.

  • Increase Website Impressions: The first thing many companies want is to boost their online visibility. This basically means how often your website appears in search results. It's one of the fundamental building blocks of effective SEO - if potential customers don't see you, they can't engage with you.

  • Outranking Competitors: In this digital age, there’s always competition lurking round every corner. You’ll want an SEO strategy specifically designed to put you ahead of similar businesses in rankings over time because let's face it; no one really goes past the first page of Google.

  • Better Website Content: Not all content is created equal when it comes to SEO. Quality content increases user engagement rates which indirectly boosts SEO metrics like dwell-time (the amount of time visitors spend exploring your pages). Plus, search engines love novel content!

  • Technical SEO Improvements: SEO isn’t solely about right keywords or valuable links anymore; technical details matter too! Site speed optimization, mobile optimization, XML sitemaps, and many other 'under-the-hood' details can dramatically affect your SEO performance.

  • Building Authority: Finally, having a high domain authority helps convince search engines that you're a trusted source of information. Contributing guest posts on reputable portals, participating in relevant forums, and other strategies can help boost your perceived credibility – and with it, your ranking! 

Remember, effective SEO is a marathon not a sprint. It requires long-term planning and patience to achieve enduring success. Therefore choose an agency that understands the unique DNA of your business and tailors an SEO strategy to suit those specific needs.

Ask these industry questions when vetting a B2B SEO Agency…

2) Experience in YOUR Industry

When seeking the right B2B SEO service, it's essential to consider industry experience. The skills and knowledge that an SEO agency might have acquired from working with various business sectors can be transferred and applied extensively.

But, having prior experience specific to your industry can significantly shorten the learning curve. This nuanced understanding of your sector will allow them to quickly adapt strategies which are tailored for your unique needs - whether you're offering a digital product or tangible goods. 

What to Ask?

As part of due diligence, there are strategic questions you should ask potential agencies, namely:

  • What are Some High Performing Keywords? It's crucial for every agency dealing with SEO for B2B companies to understand which keywords perform exceedingly well within your industry scope. By seeking this information out, it demonstrates their proficiency in keyword analysis and competitor research. Plus, it'll give you insights into what areas they may focus on if you choose to work together.

  • Do You Have Any Case Studies in My Industry? A proficient B2B SEO services provider should readily present case studies relevant to your trade - this is fairly common practice. Adequate case studies reveal how the firm has played a key role in driving success for other businesses similar to yours by using effective strategies and tools.

  • Do You Have Any Referrals in My Industry? Referrals offer first-hand testimonials on an agency’s ability - successful ones being a clear indication of proficiency. Genuine referrals from other clients within your industry confirm not only their capability but also highlight their success stories.

  • How Would You Solve My SEO Goal? The ultimate test lies here; gauge how the prospective b2b seo service proposes solutions tailored specifically towards achieving your defined goals. Can they articulate clearly viable strategies that match up? Well-thought-out responses show off creative problem solving and understanding of your company's needs both excessively desirable qualities.

By evaluating each response critically against your business needs and expectations, you should be well on your way to choosing the right B2B SEO Agency. After all, this could very well be the start of a productive partnership marked by mutual growth and success. Eventually, these pertinent considerations may move you towards making a concrete decision in favoring one agency over another.

SEO strategies from REAL B2B SEO agencies

3) SEO Strategy

When you're choosing the perfect B2B SEO agency for your business, understanding their approach to strategizing is paramount. Developing an effective B2B search engine optimization strategy is what separates successful SEO agencies from those that are just making noise in the industry.

Common B2B SEO Strategies:

There are several approaches and methodologies that an accomplished SEO agency will typically use when laying out its game plan. Below we delve into six of them: 

  • Keyword Research and ICP Targeting: We'll begin with keyword research and Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) targeting—a significant starting point for crafting any sound B2B search engine optimization campaign. The ideal agency should understand your target market's behavior—how they think, what words they use when searching for products or services like yours online. This information allows them to compile a list of relevant keywords to optimize and rank your site's content.

  • Content Marketing: Next up on our strategy menu is content marketing—an entirely indispensable tool in any comprehensive B2B SEO arsenal. Properly executed, this technique involves creating informative, appealing blog posts and articles relevant to your business niche, ensuring each piece seamlessly incorporates your chosen keywords.

  • On-Page SEO: On-page Search Engine Optimization goes hand-in-glove with the previously mentioned tactics. It includes optimizing website elements like meta tags, headers, URLs, images—and of course—the actual text on the page itself. An experienced agency will know precisely how to weave these details together to give you maximum ranking potential.

  • Technical SEO: Technical SEO—a bit more under-the-hood kind of stuff—is all about enhancing website infrastructure aspects such as responsiveness, load speed times, indexing, security measures, and other technical details that ensure Google can easily crawl through your site’s structure effortlessly while delivering a seamless user experience.

  • Link Building: Link building—it might seem somewhat old school—but continues strongly as another proven B2B SEO strategy. It involves acquiring a network of high-quality backlinks from reputable sources, achieving two things: increasing your site's authority in the eyes of search engines and driving more traffic to it.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Lastly, an adept SEO agency will undoubtedly employ Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) techniques. This process focuses on tweaking your website to enhance user experience, thereby encouraging visitors to complete desired actions—be it filling out a form, signing up for newsletters or making purchases—and ultimately converting them into leads or customers.

The B2B SEO landscape is continually changing, and choosing an agency that employs an updated strategic approach is necessary for staying competitive in today’s digital marketspace. As you vet potential agencies for your business needs, pay keen attention to their willingness and ability to apply these common strategies effectively.

What SEO transparency looks like…

4) Transparency: A Crucial Factor

Undoubtedly, transparency is a crucial factor when choosing the right B2B SEO agency. In this context, it means being open and clear about how the agency works, what strategies they employ, and how they'll measure your campaign's success. The aim is to build trust between your organization and the SEO agency.

What to Look For?

In pursuit of transparency, there are certain key attributes you need to watch out for in an ideal B2B SEO agency. 

  • Frequent Reporting: A reputable B2B SEO agency should provide regular progress reports highlighting all the important metrics related to your campaign goals. These reports may include organic traffic growth, keyword ranking improvements, backlinks attained, among others. Importantly, these periodic updates will keep you aware of where your money is going and whether or not you're moving closer to achieving your defined targets.

  • RealTime Reporting Dashboard? Besides frequent progress reports, another hallmark of a transparent B2B SEO agency is offering a real-time reporting dashboard. This lets you monitor the performance of your campaign anytime you want, fostering real-time insights into how well or otherwise the ongoing tactics are working out. Ideally speaking, valuable metrics like current organic rank positions for target keywords should be readily accessible through such dashboards.

  • Shareable Project/Task Management: Last but not least in our criterion list is shareable project or task management facilities offered by potential B2B SEO agencies. Essentially, shareable systems allow for enhanced collaboration between your organization and the contracted agency while ensuring full visibility into what tasks are currently under execution or planned for future implementation.

  • Regular Meetings with an Account Manager: Engaging in regular meetings with a dedicated account manager is a key aspect of maintaining transparency. These meetings serve as a platform to discuss ongoing projects, adjust strategies as needed, and address any concerns in real-time. A good B2B SEO agency will ensure that you have direct access to someone who understands your goals and can provide personalized updates and advice.

Remember that choosing a transparent B2B SEO agency goes beyond their willingness simply to share information; rather it ultimately boils down to their commitment towards building an authentic partnership based on mutual trust and shared goals.

Ask these questions when vetting a SEO vendor…

5) Other Important Considerations

Beyond just knowing your goals, examining the agency's industry experience, scrutinizing their proposed SEO strategy, and ensuring their transparency, other considerations need to thrown into the mix.

Rapid Fire Questions

Remember there's only so much you can discern by sifting through a company's website or advertising material. A heart-to-heart conversation with an agency representative is imperative before you make that all-important decision of hiring your B2B SEO partner. 

This discourse should include questions that cut right to the chase about some key operational aspects:

  • How Do You Use AI in Your Operational Processes? Given AI's increasing dominance in every conceivable sector - including digital marketing – this question will gauge both how tech-savvy the agency is as well as where they stand on leveraging emerging technologies for client benefit.

  • What Measures Do You Take To Stay Updated With Technical Updates? In the fast-paced world of SEO, staying current isn't optional; it's obligatory. Any potential B2B SEO partner’s response should hint at continuous learning and adaptation systems within its operational structure. 

  • Who Will Be My Account Manager? Knowing who exactly would be handling your account gives you an insight into their experience level, expertise area(s), and most importantly whether they'd gel well with your internal team or not.

  • When Can I Expect To See Results From Our Collaboration? While SEO is typically a long-term play and quick results are anything but guaranteed, having a realistic timeline helps manage expectations from both sides. 

  • What Does Your Service Cost? This straightforward question helps determine if they fit within your budget or not.

  • How Long Are Your Contracts Typically For? Contract length can vary widely among different agencies. It's crucial to know what kind of commitment they expect from you beforehand to avoid any unpleasant surprises down the line.

  • When Can We Start? Once speaking terms and contracts are agreed upon, this question helps clarify the way forward, allowing you to plan and allocate resources accordingly. 

Remember these are just some of the factors coming into play when you set out on your quest for the right B2B SEO agency. The key is to find a trusted partner aligned with your corporate values, goals, and most importantly - budget.

What NOT To Do When Hiring an SEO Agency?

In the quest of finding the optimal B2B SEO company, it's equally important to know what pitfalls to avoid. This section will shed light on common missteps businesses often make, that undermine their SEO endeavors.

  • Hire Based On Price: While budget constraints are a crucial aspect of any business decision, choosing an agency solely based on pricing can lead you down a path paved with subpar results and dissatisfaction. You might be tempted to opt for the most affordable option among your shortlisted B2B SEO companies. However, remember that in the world of SEO, as is true with most things in life - you get what you pay for. A cheaper agency may lack the expertise needed to deliver quality results or could resort to black-hat tactics that harm your site's credibility and ranking in the long run.

  • Fail To Define Your Goals Before Hiring: Often businesses approach an SEO agency without clearly defining their goals or understanding what they want out of their campaign. Remember from our earlier discussions how critical it is to identify your goals before even beginning the search?  Entering into an agreement without set objectives makes it quite challenging for any party involved – no real benchmarks exist against which you can measure success or failure. It also leads to inefficiencies as both you and your chosen agency end up wasting valuable time figuring out basic parameters rather than investing in action and implementation.

  • Assuming Quick Results: One typical error made by businesses hiring an SEO firm for the first time is expecting quick results - this is not how effective SEO works! If a particular agency promises quick fixes or immediate outcomes during negotiation meetings, tread carefully since they are playing with reality. SEO takes time and patience; it's about devising a strategy that organically improves visibility over a specific period. Simple tweaks can boost website performance immediately but substantive changes usually come more slowly - sometimes taking months so think long-term gains here, not momentary wins.

  • Not Having Clear Expectations: Another common mistake is jumping into an agreement with an SEO agency without setting clear expectations regarding deliverables, outcomes, timelines and communication methods. Without a shared understanding of what to expect or how the process works, misunderstandings can arise causing disappointment or frustration on both ends. Establishing clear expectations from the onset necessitates open dialogue regarding responsibilities and deliverables that curbs disappointment down the line. This transparency fortifies your relationship with your chosen B2B SEO company and aids in aligning objectives for mutual benefit. 

In avoiding these common pitfalls when seeking out B2B SEO companies, you place yourself in a solid position - one from which you can secure quality expertise leading to impactful results over time.


Choosing the right B2B SEO agency involves defining clear SEO goals, assessing the agency's industry experience, and understanding their specific strategies, such as keyword research and content marketing. It's essential to demand transparency and detailed reporting. SpearPoint Marketing excels in these areas, offering deep industry knowledge, tailored strategies, and a commitment to transparency that aligns well with best practices for achieving sustained digital growth. Avoiding common pitfalls like focusing solely on cost and expecting immediate results is crucial. With its proven track record, SpearPoint Marketing is a reliable choice for businesses looking to enhance their SEO effectively.